Why You Should Search "Landscapers Near Me" in the Hudson, OH Area Before Springtime

Make your life easier this spring and summer when you search for landscapers near me to find services for your Hudson, OH Area property. Knowing that you have a skilled lawn care professional handling all the treatments and details of your lawn and landscape can free your time to focus on other things, like planning a family vacation. Consider these compelling reasons you should invest in a customized landscape and lawn care plan.

Related: 4 Services You Need That Landscaping Companies in the Bainbridge Township, OH Area Provide

 A Lawn and Landscape Care Service Delivers the Right Products at the Right Time

If keeping up with when to apply fertilizer to your grass and when to treat for pests feels confusing to you, you are not alone. Most homeowners live a busy life and have a hard time keeping up with when to apply grass treatments so they can have a thriving lawn. Entrusting these tasks to a professional can take the pressure off so you can focus on other things. 

Weekly maintenance programs: The summer can be super busy so consider having a landscape professional handle the weekly maintenance for your lawn and landscape. They can send a crew to mow the grass weekly, starting from multiple locations in the yard to encourage the most growth. 

When you arrive home from work to see the grass has been cut to the perfect height, the hardscape spaces are clear of trimmings, and the shrubs have had a trim, you can feel confident that you made a great choice. 

Lawn fertilization: Fertilizer is food for your grass and shrubs. While it would be nice to think that the soil can give them what they need to flourish, this is often not the case. Lawn fertilizer is needed in spring to give the grass and plants a boost to begin growing once more. After the dormant winter temperatures, the proper application of fertilizer can encourage robust growth and good health. 

A landscape and lawn care professional can make summer, early, and late fall fertilizer applications for targeted growth. If keeping up with fertilizer treatments is something you would rather not worry about, finding a landscaper near me can let you hand off that task. 

Lawn aeration: Aerating the lawn can involve using a machine to pull small soil plugs that allow water, air, and sunshine to reach the roots of the grass. Aeration can be a crucial task to plant new grass and to boost the health of the existing grass after the hot summer. 

A lawn care team can make short work of aerating the lawn so your landscape has new grass sprouting and existing grass thriving. 

Mulch installation: Mulch can be one of those tasks that can transform your lawn and landscape’s appearance but you dislike having to shovel the mulch into a wheelbarrow, haul it to where it goes, and spread it around the landscape beds—over and over. 

Fortunately, mulch installation can be part of the lawn and landscape care you choose to turn over to a professional crew. There is no argument that fresh mulch looks amazing and can protect your plants and shrubs by holding moisture but actually installing the mulch can leave much to be desired. They can handle the mulch and more in your custom care plan. 

Related: Don't Know Much About Lawn Aeration? Here's What to Know for a Healthy Landscape in the Pepper Pike, OH Area