Services That Landscaping Companies in the Hudson, OH Area Provide That Keep Your Landscape Design in Great Condition

Before you know it, spring will be here and you need to have a plan in place for Hudson, OH Area landscape care. Now can be the right time to check out the services landscape companies offer to keep your lawn and landscape in tip-top shape. When you set up services early, you won’t have to stress when the warm weather returns.

Related: 4 Services You Need That Landscaping Companies in the Bainbridge Township, OH Area Provide

Why Certifications Matter in Landscape Care

Any company can say they are skilled at lawn and landscape care but you can check for yourself by asking about their certifications. Here are some that show they are experienced and able to handle all the tasks that make your landscape look amazing.

Ohio Department of Agriculture: The state of Ohio requires anyone using pesticides to have a license. This can protect the environment from unauthorized or harmful pesticides that can do more damage than good. This commercial license can show you that a landscaping company cares about your community and the services are legal. 

Ohio Landscape Association: The Ohio Landscape Association is a professional green industry association that offers members an opportunity to fine-tune their skills and stay up to date on the latest trends. The goal of stewarding the land well is at the forefront of its members. They encourage professionalism in all interactions and membership can demonstrate that a landscape company values and prides itself on high-quality services. 

Services You Need From a Landscape Company 

If you are unsure of which landscape and lawn care services you need for your property, a landscape specialist can help you tailor a plan that includes everything your outdoor spaces need to thrive. 

Since every landscape is different, securing the landscape services that can make your lawn and landscape stand out can be an essential task on your springtime to-do list. That is why an ala carte menu of services can serve your needs best. Here are some tasks you might need them to complete for you.

Lawn fertilization can be a tricky process because when you use too much, it can burn the lawn. If you use too little, it does nothing to boost the health and growth. The advantage of entrusting a professional to handle the fertilizer for your lawn and landscape can mean you don’t have to figure out timing and application amounts. 

Spring and fall cleanups of the landscape can clear the way for vigorous growth. They can remove branches and other debris that covers the lawn and landscape beds in the springtime for a clean slate as the property comes back to life. In the fall, they can remove the leaves that can kill the grass in winter when the snow sits on them. This leafy mat can smother the grass and leave your lawn with fungus or worse, dead patches. 

You can entrust a lawn and landscape service to handle weekly maintenance visits that can include: 

  • Weekly mowing that boosts grass growth. A lawn care team will arrive with mowers that have sharp blades to cut the grass so you don’t have to. 

  • Blow away the grass clippings so your hardscape spaces look fresh and clean.

  • Trimming the grass edges to give your landscape that just-tended appearance that can elevate the whole outdoor space. 

Related: Treat Yourself This Year by Hiring the Pros for Your Lawn Care Needs in the Moreland Hills and Hudson, OH Areas