Not Sure What Will Make Your Moreland Hills, OH, Area Lawn Thrive? The Pros Can Create a Customized Lawn Care Program

Not Sure What Will Make Your Moreland Hills, OH, Area Lawn Thrive? The Pros Can Create a Customized Lawn Care Program

If looking at your Moreland Hills, OH, area neighbors’ yards has you feeling discouraged because you work hard on the grass but it still doesn’t thrive, it is probably time to find professional help. When you are not sure what will make your grass flourish, check with the pros who can create a customized lawn care program tailored to your landscape.

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A Lawn Assessment

The first thing a lawn care professional will do is discuss your grass woes. They can look at the grass, the soil, and the rest of the landscape to assess the condition. This can allow them to design a lawn care plan for you that meets the needs of the grass in the best possible way.

Every lawn is not the same and that is why a customized lawn care plan can target the specific problems in your property. The ongoing care of your grass can require consistent attention to the overall health so they can make the necessary adjustments.

Fertilizing the Lawn: Fertilizing the grass can be a crucial part of exceptional lawn care. Just like all living things, the grass needs food to thrive. Unfortunately, most soil will not supply the complete nutritional needs of the plants and this is where strategic applications of fertilizer can fill the gap.

Fertilizer has nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium, all essential nutrients to boost the good health and growth of the grass. It is slow-release to feed your grass over time without burning the plants.

Weed control treatments: Weeds are invasive and difficult to kill. They can take over your lawn before you know it to spread and choke out the grass. Another problem with weeds is that they can go dormant and survive the winter to come back in the spring.

A lawn care professional can apply preventive herbicide in the early spring to stop the weeds from germinating. The herbicide forms a barrier over the soil surface to prevent them from growing but it won’t hurt your grass. Then, in the fall, they will apply a post-emergent herbicide to kill the weeds that are alive, preventing them from living through the winter to come back in spring. Both treatments are necessary for proper weed control.

Insect and disease control: Insects and diseases will destroy your lawn quickly and the best way to handle them is preventive care. Stopping the diseases and insects before they have a chance to cause damage is the specialty of lawncare professionals.

They know when to make the preventive applications so you don’t end up with entire sections of grass in a dead state because the grubs have eaten all the roots.

Lawn clean up: Cleaning the debris and fallen branches from the grass in fall and early spring can give your lawn the best chance of growing lush and green. When a lawncare professional sends a team to prepare the grass for winter and again for spring growth, the grass can thrive and fill in to create a thick carpet.

Combined with stellar customer service and professional lawncare crews, you can count on a lawncare service to handle all the details of your grass health so you can have the best looking lawn in the neighborhood.

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