Don't Know Much About Lawn Aeration? Here's What to Know for a Healthy Landscape in the Pepper Pike, OH Area

Don't Know Much About Lawn Aeration? Here's What to Know for a Healthy Landscape in the Pepper Pike, OH Area

When you are unfamiliar with lawn aeration, you can miss the exceptional benefits it produces for your Pepper Pike, OH Area landscape. Here is how proper lawn aeration can transform your grass to beautify the rest of the landscape.

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What is lawn aeration?

Over time, the soil in your yard can develop a covering that prevents oxygen and water from reaching the roots. This can come from grass clippings and the hot sun forming a crust-like surface over the soil.

A lawn care professional can bring an aerator to your yard to break up the crust-like surface. This machine pulls small plugs of soil from the ground, leaving holes behind. The holes allow the sunshine, water, and air to reach the grass roots, allowing the essential components to reach those spaces.

This can give your lawn the boost it needs in the fall to weather the winter and return in springtime for a fresh growth season.

How does lawn aeration help your grass?

Lawn aeration reduces the compaction that can happen to your soil. It can help your grass in several crucial ways.

Fertilizer: When your lawn care professional applies fertilizer to the grass in early spring, mid-summer, and fall, the nutrients won’t do your lawn any good if they can’t reach the grass roots. Lawn aeration can create openings for the fertilizer to reach the entire plant, ensuring your grass is healthy and thriving.

Sun and Oxygen: Grass also needs sun and oxygen to boost health and ongoing growth. The aerator breaks the barrier of soil to give your lawn the other essential components for excellent improvement.

Seed germination: When a lawn care professional spreads new grass seed for increased thickness, having those small holes to land in can give them a protected spot to germinate and flourish. Since the water and fertilizer can also access the aerated holes, new grass can have the best chance of growing there.

When should your lawn be aerated?

The best times to have your lawn aerated is in the early fall and occasionally in the spring. Late fall aeration can allow the new grass to sprout and grow roots before the winter season arrives. It can also be the best time to fertilize along with the aeration since the roots of the grass can absorb that food to sustain the plant through the cold winter.

Sometimes, you might want to have aeration in the spring if you missed it in the fall or have a new lawn that needs extra germination time. These two times are the best for aeration success in your lawn.

Use Aeration as a Companion to Other Lawn Care Services

While you know mowing and watering the grass are necessary for a healthy lawn, don’t overlook lawn aeration as a beneficial lawn service. Aeration can work with the other lawn care tasks to ensure your grass is thriving throughout every season.

It can help with soil compaction, or that crust-like surface that forms over time, as well as seed germination. The holes left behind after aeration can boost the roots of the grass to give your landscape the beauty that comes from a vibrant, lush lawn that sets off the colorful flowers and leafy bushes perfectly.

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