Beat The Rush and Start Planning Your Chagrin Falls OH Lawn Care and Lawn Mowing Services Now

Planning your spring time Chagrin Falls, OH lawn care and lawn mowing services now means that you are prepared well before the mowing season returns. Beat the rush with these qualities to look for in a reputable lawn care service.

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Spring Clean-Up

After the harsh winter weather, having a lawn service who can give your yard a good spring cleaning can be important to the growth and health of your landscape. They should remove the fallen limbs and other debris that ends up on the ground after a cold, wintry season.

Another critical task can be to evaluate the grass for mold or dead patches that must be addressed to bring the lawn back to good health. An experienced, detail-oriented lawn care service will look carefully at your lawn to ensure all pests and disease issues have been addressed correctly for a lush stand of grass.

Lawn Fertilization

After the spring clean-up, your grass needs fertilizer to boost the growth and feed the new roots. Finding the right fertilizer can be tricky because it depends on your grass type and application rate.

A reputable landscape and lawn care service has the products and equipment to ensure your grass will start off strong in the growing season. They will also make fertilizer applications in early summer, early fall, and late fall to give your grass the nutrients it needs to continue growing throughout the hot summer months.

Mulch Installation

While a fresh layer of mulch can make your landscape look amazing, mulch is also essential to hold in the moisture for the shrubs and flowers in the landscape beds. Mulch comes in a variety of colors so you can choose which one makes your yard look the best. Another service that a lawn care company can provide is to edge the landscape beds at the time of mulch installation to give your landscape a neat, clean look.

Tree and Shrub Care

As they are mowing your grass, your lawn service should also pay attention to the trees and shrubs on the property. These plants also need careful attention so they continue to thrive and don’t succumb to disease and pests.

Having your lawn care company prune the trees and shrubs in the fall can ensure a pleasing shape when the spring and summer return and the leaves fill out.

Lawn Mowing

Many homeowners grow weary of mowing the grass every week and this is where a lawn care service can offer many benefits. They have the crew, products, and equipment to make short work of mowing your grass weekly.

Did you know that it is important to mow in different directions each time to ensure that the grass grows in a uniform way? Your lawn care company does! They will vary the mowing pattern to give your lawn the most pleasing appearance.

When you can look out and see a freshly mowed lawn and sidewalks that are clear of grass clippings, your lawn and landscape might become the envy of the neighborhood.

Whether you need help with your lawn once or want to establish a regular schedule of lawn care, an experienced landscape and lawn care company can create the plan that meets your needs.

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