Landscaping Companies and Landscapers Near Me Suggest These Fall Maintenance Services in Hudson OH

Fall landscape maintenance can be essential to spring time beauty for your Hudson, OH property. landscaping companies and landscapers near me suggest these fall tasks to ensure vigorous spring and summer growth.

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Remove the Leaves

Removing the leaves from your yard can be crucial to protecting the grass and plants over the winter time. When you let the leaves sit on the grass and the winter weather comes with the snow and ice, this can damage the landscape and bring expensive repairs to your property.

Allowing the leaves to sit on the grass can cause mold to grow which is difficult to remove from the landscape. There are a variety of snow mold diseases that can cause your grass to die and the dead grass can also be susceptible to more damage from pests like moles and voles.


Aeration is the process in which a landscape company uses a machine to pull small plugs of soil from your yard. The purpose of this process is to allow the sun, oxygen, and water to reach the roots of your grass that has endured the heat of the summer sun for several months.

Bringing these benefits to the roots of your grass can sustain it through the cold winter months. Aerating is also beneficial for starting new grass seeds before the cold of winter arrives. The seeds can fall into the small holes and germinate there to establish roots before the snow and ice arrive. When the springtime returns, the established and new grass can flourish.

Aeration also allows a landscape company to fill in the bare spots that occur in your yard over time. The goal is to have a lush, vigorous stand of grass for the late spring and summer months.

Pest Control

Fall is the time to prevent the multiple pests that can kill your grass. Grubs are pests that feed on the tender roots of the grass as they grow to be the Japanese beetles that arrive in early summer. Chinch bugs suck on the sap from the grass blades which can result in patches of dead grass from early summer to early fall.

Several types of worms can eat the grass and roots to cause swift, extensive damage to your grass. Preventing these pests from ruining your grass should occur in the fall. Proper pest control is essential to ensure a lovely spring and summer lawn.

Apply Fertilizer

Since grass cannot produce its own food in the winter months, an application of fertilizer is necessary to give the roots food to store for winter. Many lawn companies agree that fall is the most important time of year to feed your grass so it can withstand the harsh winter conditions well.

Fertilizer can be tricky since too much fertilizer can burn the grass while too little does nothing. This is why it is important to have a lawn professional handle the fertilizer type and application so it provides the nutrients to your grass for over-wintering.

Having the expertise of a lawn care service can relieve you of worrying about all the things your grass needs to thrive and stay healthy throughout the year. When you let them handle your lawn tasks, all you need to do is enjoy your gorgeous landscape.

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