What Is the Most Effective Approach to Snow Removal in Novelty, OH? | JFD Landscapes

What Is the Most Effective Approach to Snow Removal in Novelty, OH?

When the Novelty, OH, snow arrives, are you prepared with the right tools and equipment? Consider these snow removal tips to help keep the snow under control.

Related: Comparing Methods of Snow Removal in Bainbridge Township, OH

Potential Damage from Snow

While the snow might be pretty to look at, it can also cause costly damage to your landscape. Snow piled against the foundation of your house can lead to frozen pipes and even cracks in your foundation. So, when you remove the snow from the roof, don’t leave it piled around the exterior of your home. In order to stay ahead of the snow, you will most likely have to shovel often so that you are not trying to move deep, heavy snow. 

Shoveling can often cause severe strain on your lower back, shoulders, and arms—even for those who are in great physical shape. 

Snow Removal Considerations

Shoveling: Shoveling can be the least expensive way to remove the snow from your driveway, walkways, and entryways. To be most effective, snow must be shoveled at regular intervals to keep it from piling up and forming a thick blanket that can take a very long time to move. Be careful, too, when piling the snow along the driveway edges as this can become a huge snow and ice wall that can damage the landscape beneath.

Snowblower: A snowblower can be an efficient way to remove the snow. Be sure that your snowblower has been serviced properly before you use it as old fuel and a dirty filter can keep the blower from starting and staying on. Remember to run the snowblower in the open air and not in a garage as the fumes can overpower you, making you feel lightheaded and sick. 

Snow rake: Many times the snow must be removed from your roof as it gets heavy and can cause damage to the shingles, trusses, and eaves. A snow rake can be a great tool for removing the snow there but take special caution when climbing to the roof and while you are on it raking the snow. 

Most Effective Snow Removal

The most effective snow removal method can be to entrust a professional with this ongoing and sometimes dangerous job. They will be happy to come to your house and perform those snow jobs that make you groan inwardly.

Plowing: While their tractors and other equipment are busy keeping landscapes looking pristine in the spring, summer, and fall, they turn their attention to keeping the snow out of your driveway in the winter months. Exchanging mowing attachments for snowplows, they can remove the snow from your driveway in a jiffy with their equipment.

Snowblowing: Since they are accustomed to keeping their equipment in excellent working order all year round, they have the snowblowers that can keep that snow off your walkways and entryways so that you can stay on schedule. 

Superior Service: Their unparalleled customer service means fast, responsive snow removal right when you need it. They take exceptional care when removing snow and placing it elsewhere so that it won’t damage your landscaping, vehicles, or property. When you call them, they are always there and ready to dig you out at a moment’s notice. 

Related: What to Expect from Professional Snow Removal in Chagrin Falls, OH