Treat Yourself Next Year by Adding Lawn Mowing to Your Wish List in the Chagrin Falls and Moreland Hills, OH Areas

Many people feel relief when mowing season is over, but if you feel like you never want to mow your Chagrin Falls and Moreland Hills, OH Areas lawn again, it’s probably time to contact a lawn care company. Treat yourself next year and hand over the mowing to a professional. Not only will you have less stress, but the grass will probably look better than ever!

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Here are some things you might not know about mowing the grass each week:

Proper height: The grass should be mowed at a height of three inches or higher. The reason for this is that any lower height can expose the roots of the grass to the hot sun. This will dry out the grass plant and cause it to be susceptible to pests and disease. Once the lawn has infestations, it can take a lot of money and work to eradicate them. 

Sharp Blades: Every time your grass is mowed, it should be with a razor-sharp blade. Dull mower blades will tear the grass, leaving a jagged edge where pests and diseases can take hold to ruin the plant. When the mower blades are sharp every time the grass is cut, this creates a clean slice which keeps the grass plants in good condition. It also keeps the appearance of the lawn even and tidy. 

Grass clippings: If the grass clippings are short and the grass is consistently mowed, these small grass pieces are good for the soil. They will decompose and become food for beneficial microorganisms that boost the health of the entire lawn. However, when the grass has not been mowed in a few weeks, the longer clippings can suffocate the grass plants. This leads to sections of the lawn that die due to lack of sun, water, and oxygen when the heavy grass clippings sit on top of the grass. 

Mowing pattern: It can be easy to start mowing at the same spot every week. This can cause portions of the lawn to remain shorter than others, creating an uneven appearance. Furthermore, when the same section remains shorter than the rest of the lawn, this can expose the roots of the grass to the hot sun, which will eventually cause the grass to die. Part of the reason you should leave the grass high is to protect the roots from sun damage. 

Mow often: Mowing often keeps the lawn in the best condition. This is because the grass clippings stay short to feed the soil, and the roots are protected from burning in the heat of the sun. Mowing often means that your lawn might need to be mowed twice in a week when there has been ample rain. Maintaining a proper grass height and mowing often also prevents weed growth that can quickly overtake your grass. 

Regular inspections: If you only mow out of necessity and don’t inspect the lawn for weeds that grow and need eradicating, you can fall behind on pest, disease, and weed prevention. Once they become part of the lawn, it is expensive and time-consuming to remove them. 

If you read this and think that hiring a lawn care professional is the answer to ensuring your grass is thriving, you can look forward to a stress-free summer next year!

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