How Expert Lawn Care Can Keep Your Landscape Design in Tip-Top Shape in the Hudson, OH Area

How Expert Lawn Care Can Keep Your Landscape Design in Tip-Top Shape in the Hudson, OH Area

Exceptional lawn care is not just mowing and trimming the edges but should also include services that protect the integrity of your Hudson, OH Area lawn. Lawn care and maintenance can be tailored to your particular lawn type so it remains in peak condition throughout the growing season. Here are the key ways a lawn care service can keep your landscape and lawn in tip-top shape.

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Timely Fertilizer Applications

While fertilizer has more nutrients than just phosphorus, potassium, and nitrogen, those are the big three, the ones that your grass uses most. Fertilizer can be tricky to apply because it needs to be spread at certain times to ensure the grass has food to grow and thrive.

Too much fertilizer, however, can burn the grass and damage your lawn while too little fertilizer won’t accomplish what you desire. The good news is that a lawn service can keep your grass on the right schedule to ensure it is fed regularly throughout the spring through fall seasons.

Fertilizer is a critical part of lawn care and if you forget to make an application, the grass can suffer. Since this is not what you want in a thick carpet of grass that makes your landscape and home look amazing, hand off that task to the professionals who won’t forget.

Insect Prevention

The most common insects that can attack your grass are chinch bugs and white grubs. These pests also attract wildlife such as moles, birds, and voles that dine on the bugs. This can leave holes in the soil and grass sections dead from the wildlife digging for these bugs.

The common chinch bug can thrive in hot, dry conditions when your grass is stressed, leaving your lawn with brown patches of dead grass. They cut the grass with their sharp beaks and suck the liquids out.

White grubs are the larvae of the summer beetles that arrive and eat the leaves of your trees and shrubs in June. The beetles lay their eggs on the grass where they burrow beneath the soil to eat the tender grass roots. Before you know they are there, they have eaten entire grass sections and killed the grass.

The best course of action is to prevent them with professional lawn insect services.

Grass Diseases

Snow mold, brown patch, and red thread are some of the most common grass diseases. From excessive moisture in the lawn combined with poor drainage and fungi, your lawn can be susceptible to diseases that can kill the growth and damage the existing plants.

The hot conditions of summer can also wreak havoc on your lawn, particularly when accompanied by drought conditions. The advantage of having a lawn care service that can spot these diseases right away can keep your grass thriving despite the conditions that can cause damage and death.

Weed Control

Along with insect prevention, stopping the weeds before they germinate and take hold is the key to control. Weeds can often look like green grass and trick you into thinking your lawn is thriving when in reality, the weeds like clover and dandelions have overtaken the grass.

Once weeds start growing, they can be almost impossible to stop so prevention is crucial.

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