The Essentials of Lawn Care in the Fall in the Moreland Hills, OH Area

The Essentials of Lawn Care in the Fall in the Moreland Hills, OH Area

Fall is the ideal time to give some TLC to your Moreland Hills, OH Area lawn. After the heat of summer, the grass and soil need a refresher of nutrients and water to be ready for the fall season.

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Aerate the Soil

In the fall it is essential that your landscaper aerates the soil of your yard. Over the hot summer, the soil can become compacted from people walking on it, the animals running back and forth, and the heat of the sun beating down daily.

A landscaper has a machine that pulls small plugs out of the soil to allow water and sunlight to penetrate the roots of the grass. These holes also allow oxygen to boost the health of the grass, too.


These holes are also perfect for overseeding the lawn to encourage fresh grass growth. With the cooler temperatures in the daytime, the seed will germinate and grow since the ground is still warm enough.

This is the time to fill the bare spots with seed. They will rough up the soil in the open spots and place extra grass seed there to give you a uniform lawn.

Apply Fertilizer

Fertilizer is critical to the overall health of your lawn. Composed of three primary nutrients and other smaller nutrients, fertilizer gives the grass the food it needs to green up and grow lush before the dormant winter stage.

Composed of three necessary nutrients, fertilizer has nitrogen to ensure the plant is healthy. Nitrogen is also essential to the formation of protein, which forms the plant tissues. Potassium strengthens the plant to resist disease and protects the plants in the hot and cold seasons. Phosphorus helps the grass make and store energy so it has food to survive the winter.

Remove the Leaves

Make sure to keep the leaves off the grass. A landscaper will know to rake the leaves several times to ensure they do not lay on the grass and cause damage. The raking also removes any thatch that forms on the soil. Thatch is small pieces of grass and debris that can form a barrier over the soil. Raking keeps the soil permeable to water and oxygen for optimal grass health.

Water Wisely

Your landscape service will program the irrigation system to water the grass early in the morning before the sun rises to ensure maximum absorption. Once the sun comes up, the water will burn off so watering early is essential to reach those roots.

Watering three or four days per week for enough time for the water to penetrate 1-2 inches below the soil is the right amount.

Keep Mowing

Continue to have the grass on a mowing schedule even while it is growing new plants. Mow at the highest setting on the mower to ensure the roots are protected from the sun. Mowing keeps the grass looking great as the fall season continues since it doesn’t stop growing until the first frost.

Having a skilled, reliable landscape service handle these fall lawn tasks can free up your time for other activities. Because they are experts at what they do, you can rest assured they will prepare your lawn for fall growing and winter dormancy. Fertilizer, watering, and mowing—they will do it all!

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