Landscapers Near Me Recommend These 3 Lawn Aeration Tips for Yards in the Chagrin Falls, OH Area

Landscapers Near Me Recommend These 3 Lawn Aeration Tips for Yards in the Chagrin Falls, OH Area

Investing time and money in your Chagrin Falls, OH Area lawn only to have it look mediocre can be disappointing. You can mow and water your grass but landscapers near me recommend these lawn aeration tips for lush, thriving lawns.

Related: Why Landscaping Companies Recommend Lawn Aeration as a Yearly Event in Moreland Hills, OH

What is aeration?

Aeration is the process of poking small holes in your lawn with a machine called an aerator for the purpose of letting air, water, and nutrients reach the deeper roots. Your landscaper knows that this encourages vigorous, healthy growth in any lawn.

Over time the soil beneath the grass can become compacted. There are many reasons for compaction.

  • New home construction can sometimes cause soil compaction. Your home builder might have laid sod over the compacted construction soil and the new grass can’t penetrate the hard soil to set roots. Another option could be that the home builder planted grass seed on the construction dirt, and it is too hard for the seed to become established and grow roots.

  • A lawn sees heavy foot traffic such as kids playing outside often or the pathway that develops when you walk back and forth in the yard over the same area over and over.

  • If your lawn feels spongy and dries out quickly, there can be a thatch issue that aeration can resolve.

Aeration can remedy all these lawn compaction issues to create small spaces where your grass and the roots can get the nutrients, sun, and moisture they need to grow strong and deep roots.

When should aeration happen?

The best times for your landscaper to aerate is during the heavy growth periods of late summer/early fall and spring. When they aerate the lawn in these seasons, the grass has time to fill in and grow over the small holes to produce a verdant stand of grass.

Can you DIY aeration?

You could try to DIY aeration but leaving it to your landscaper can be a smarter choice. Many aerator machines are heavy and unwieldy, making the process tough. Your landscaper has experience and finesse when aerating the lawn to produce the best outcome. When they aerate the lawn, they will do the following steps.

  • Ensure soil moisture: The best time to aerate is after a rain that leaves the soil moist. When this can’t happen, a landscaper will turn on the irrigation to get the right moisture for successful aeration.

  • Use the aerator to remove small plugs of dirt and leave holes in the soil.

  • Spread fertilizer and grass seed to allow these additions to fall into the small holes. Once there, the sun and water will work their magic to bring new grass growth and boost the existing grass health and thickness.

After aeration, your landscaper will continue regular mowing with sharp mower blades and the proper mower height to protect your grass. By varying the mowing pattern, the landscaper further improves the stand of your grass.

Aeration along with excellent lawn care practices such as mowing, early morning irrigation, and weed prevention will work together to bring your landscape to life this summer. Aeration is a beneficial addition to a lawn that needs something extra to encourage more growth and overall health. Your landscaper has the knowledge and tools to give you the amazing lawn you want.

Related: Aeration and Fertilization Are Crucial Aspects of Lawn Care in Pepper Pike, OH