Why Now Is the Time for Lawn Aeration in Pepper Pike and Hudson OH

Why Now Is the Time for Lawn Aeration in Pepper Pike and Hudson OH

When you want a beautiful, thriving Pepper Pike and Hudson OH lawn, now is the time for lawn aeration to give you a dazzling spring and summer stand of grass. Here are the reasons why now is lawn aeration season and what you need to do.

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Benefits of Lawn Aeration and Overseeding

The perfect time to aerate your lawn is when the temperatures are cool but the ground is still warm. That is why landscape professionals recommend fall as the time to have your grass aerated with the aerator machine that pulls small plugs of dirt from the soil, leaving a little hole where the grass seed can germinate.

  • Increased nutrient availability: By providing a small hole where the air, sunlight, and fertilizer can reach the roots of your grass, the plant has more access to the elements that allow it to store food for the dormant winter. When spring comes, the grass has had winter nutrients and is ready to burst forth with healthy growth.

  • Reduces soil compaction: Over the course of the year, the soil in your lawn becomes packed down by feet running back and forth, pets running around, and other activities that happen in the grass. When the soil is compacted, it is difficult for the rain, sunlight, and water to reach the roots which feed the plants. Aerating breaks the compaction to allow the good stuff to reach the roots again for boosted plant growth before the dormant winter.

  • Helps with thatch: If you pull the grass aside, you can see small bits and pieces of dead grass matted on the soil surface. This is called thatch and it prevents the nutrients from reaching the roots like compacted soil does. Aerating pulls the thatch away so the fertilizer and other beneficial practices can make their way to the roots for increasing the grass health and disease resistance.

  • Reduces run-off: When the rain comes, you might think it is watering your grass and plants but the truth is when the soil is compacted and the thatch is thick, the water often just runs-off and does not reach the grass plants. Aeration changes that so the water can fill the little holes and seep into the ground for the roots.

  • Prepares for a thicker lawn: Did you know that the primary way that you prevent weeds is not by weed killer but by producing a healthy, thick stand of grass that chokes out the weeds? Aeration allows your lawn to develop strong roots before winter so when the warm of spring returns, the grass is ready to grow thick and lush.

  • Prepares your lawn for winter: Ohio winters can be harsh and your lawn can suffer but aeration makes it easier for your grass to weather the cold temperatures and snow. The extra stored food and strong roots can keep the grass alive and healthy even when the cold of winter lingers. Then, when the springtime comes back, you have grass that is nourished and ready to flourish.

Having a landscape service care for your fall lawn with aerating, spreading new grass seed, and applying proper fertilizer is the best way to ensure lush spring growth. Don’t neglect the fall lawn care that is essential to vibrant grass health.

Related: 5 Reasons to Include Fall Cleanup in Your Lawn Care in Pepper Pike, OH