Timing Your Lawn Care in 2020 for a Crisp Chagrin Falls, OH, Property

Timing Your Lawn Care in 2020 for a Crisp Chagrin Falls, OH, Property

If you love having a lush, green stand of grass and delight in seeing the new leaf buds on the trees in your Chagrin Falls, OH, landscape, but you tire of doing all the chores yourself, then perhaps finding a professional lawn care service should be one of your 2020 resolutions. Timing the fertilizer applications, pruning, and grass care can provide the crisp appearance you love. 

Related: How Landscape Maintenance Services Tailor Lawn Mowing Plans to Suit the Needs of Pepper Pike, OH, Homeowners

Spring Clean-up and Fertilization

There are many things to do in a spring cleanup of your lawn. Trimming broken branches early in the spring can help your trees to stay healthy and resistant to pests and fungus. Trimming can also improve the appearance of the trees since you will have jagged edges removed. 

Remove any heavy piles of leaves that have accumulated over the winter season from winds, snow, and ice, as heavy, wet leaves can be a breeding ground for mold. Treat those aggressive weeds early, too. Pre-emergent herbicide can stop them in their tracks before they have a chance to germinate. Don’t wait until they have a chance to sprout! 

A slow-release fertilizer can bring extra nutrition to your lawn without the danger of burning tender young roots and leaves. Remove leaves that have fallen in the landscape beds, too, and apply a fresh layer of mulch for weed control and moisture retention. 

Summer Care

Feeding your lawn in early summer can fortify the grass for the hot summer months when it can become stressed and lack enough nutrients to remain healthy. Water the lawn deeply to a depth of 2-4 inches every other day, as well as very early in the morning, to allow time to penetrate the roots and soil before the sun dries it off. 

Mowing the grass high can provide a buffer from the harsh sun, and letting the short clippings filter back into the soil can bring extra nutrition for the grass as the clippings decompose. 

Fall Maintenance

Fall might just be the most critical lawn care time, as this is when you prepare your grass and plants for the long winter months ahead. Remove the fallen leaves that can become wet, heavy, and compacted. 

Aerating the soil with small holes can allow the oxygen and sunlight to penetrate the roots while fertilizer provides nutrients that the grass can store up for food during the dormant winter months. Continue to water and mow the lawn at a height that keeps the grass strong. 

Winter Preparation

Early winter is the time to clean up any remnants of leaves and branches that have fallen. It can also be the time to apply a final fertilizer feeding to shore up the winter grass. Consider, too, how you will handle the snow and ice to come that can wreak havoc on your carefully tended lawn. 

When to Seek Professional Help

Many homeowners have a busy schedule that never seems to slow down. Fitting lawn care into your daily obligations can often be at the bottom of your list. A lawn care service has the equipment and trained specialists to keep your Chagrin Falls, OH, landscape in gorgeous form, no matter the season. When the snow and ice arrive, your landscape service can trade out their fertilizing equipment for snowplows and snow removal to keep you on a smooth schedule.

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