Are You Getting the Most Out of Your Current Lawn Care Service in Chagrin Falls, OH?

You may rely on your trusted lawn care provider for regular mowing and maintenance, but you can also rely on the company for more ways of improving your Chagrin Falls, OH, property. Perhaps you’ve been dreaming of adding decorative foliage or you want to build a patio area, or you need a major cleanup job done before a big outdoor party. There are a variety of ways to achieve the yard of your dreams, so read on for how to get the most out of your current lawn care service. 

Maintenance Programs

Are You Getting the Most Out of Your Current Lawn Care Service in Chagrin Falls, OH?

You keep your yard trimmed, but perhaps there’s more you could be doing to get achieve a lush, full lawn. If you aren’t talking to your regular lawn care professionals about fertilization programs, then you could be missing out. There’s more to fertilizing your lawn than just laying down pellets; a lawn care professional knows exactly what kind of nutrients your backyard needs, and when it’s needed. You could also discuss aeration and seasonal fertilization planning to really get the most out of your grass.

Do your bushes, flower beds, and trees look a little neglected lately? Your landscape pros can help you out here as well. They can add trimming and weeding to their service one week, and they could be trusted upon to take a look at your trees and prune them if necessary. 

Related: Finding the Balance Between an Affordable Yet Professional Lawn Mowing Service in Hudson, OH

Seasonal Help

The same company you rely upon to trim your grass and clean up your leaves at the end of fall could keep your landscape clear in the winter. Many landscape companies use their “off season” to keep commercial and residential properties keep their driveways and walkways safe for passage in the winter. Whether you need a hand with laying down mulch or scraping away ice, the same reliable company could keep your property looking its best. 

Related: 3 Ways Lawn Care Service Can Eliminate Weeds in Novelty, OH

Building and Design

Your backyard has many possibilities beyond the all about grass, mulch, trees, and flowers that you admire day in and day out. Full-service lawn care companies can provide you with advice on building out your landscape and turning it into more of a destination. If you’ve ever admired a neighbor’s paver patio, or if you ever thought of extending your driveway or beautifying your pool area, the landscaper you already trust to take care of your lawn could be the right resource. Imagine a new flower bed by the back porch, a sunny new sitting area in the backyard, or a beautifully finished front walkway—your lawn care service can help you bring all of these visions to life. 

Even if you simply want to breathe a bit of personality into your outdoor space, your lawn care service could have the perfect solution. Perhaps a bit of accent lighting on a big oak tree, or pathway lighting to your front door would make all the difference to the look of your home. Landscape lighting could make a big impact in your yard, and is one aspect you may never have considered asking your lawn care professional about. 

Don’t just rely on your lawn care service for everyday jobs; ask your trusted landscape professionals if they have any suggestions on how you can add beauty and value to your home.