The Complexities of Lawn Care in Novelty, OH

The Complexities of Lawn Care in Novelty, OH

If having a lush, thriving Novelty, OH, lawn is high on your priority list, then there are specific actions to take to achieve the landscape you want. Lawn care can be complex when considering the amendments for the soil, how often to mow, and when to water.

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The Pleasure of a Gorgeous Lawn

For anyone who loves to have a gorgeous, green stand of grass, the pleasure that we can have from gazing at that perfect expanse of green can be great. A healthy lawn can say quite a bit about the homeowner who lives there. Growing a beautiful stand of grass and keeping the plants and trees in top shape can be a difficult task. But when we gaze upon a landscape that has been well-cared for, it can be a most satisfying sight--almost like a work of art.

Considerations for Lawn Care

Watering: Providing the right amount of water for your lawn can be a tricky thing. Water too much, and you water-log the grass. But water too little, and it can fail to thrive. Landscape professionals agree that watering in the very early morning can give your grass time to absorb the moisture before the sun comes up to burn off the excess. 

Watering every day is not necessary. Instead, water 2-3 three times per week for a period that is long enough for the water to penetrate the soil to a depth of 1-2 inches. This can allow the water to penetrate all the way to the roots, which is where the grass can absorb the most moisture. 

Fertilizing: There can be so many things to know about fertilizer that it can seem intimidating. You need to fertilize your lawn according to the type of grass you have, at the right times of the year, and in the proper amounts. Fertilizer is composed of three nutrients that all grass needs to grow strong and healthy. 

Phosphorus helps the grass with photosynthesis, which is the method by which grass makes its food and supplies energy for growth. Potassium helps with disease resistance and strong root formation. Nitrogen is the most used nutrient as it helps to promote healthy plant development and the formation of protein for the plant to use. 

You always want to apply fertilizer in the correct amounts since too much can backfire and burn your grass instead of providing essential nutrients.

Mowing:  While mowing should be simple, incorrect mowing can do long-term damage to your lawn. An important part of keeping your grass and the roots healthy, mowing should only happen on a dry yard and with no more than one-third of the grass being cut. Any more than that and the roots can be burned by the sun. 

A healthy, vigorous stand of grass can be the single most important method of weed control as weeds can’t germinate and grow when they are crowded out by thick grass. Keep your mower blades very sharp since grass that has been mowed with dull blades can actually be more receptive to disease and pests through the torn blades. 

When the landscape complexities of Novelty, OH, feel overwhelming, that is the time to consult a professional for help. An expert lawn service understands that, depending on your property’s size and landscape design features (and your own personal time, abilities, and budget), there are certain lawn care services you’ll need and certain ones that you won’t. They can make your lawn care stress-free!

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