How Landscaping Companies Can Get Your Lawn Ready for Fall in Novelty, OH

Just when you think you will get a break from your Novelty, OH, lawn care routine, you realize you need to prepare the grass and plants for the Ohio winter. Here are ways landscaping companies can help you get your fall lawn ready for the winter season.

Fall Lawn Care

How Landscaping Companies Can Get Your Lawn Ready for Fall in Novelty, OH

Leaf Removal: As the leaves fall, they need to be removed from the ground to prevent damage to your grass from the decomposing matter. Unfortunately, leaf removal is seldom a one-time event, and so they need to be removed several times until they stop falling. One question that you might have is what to do with all of the leaves you have raked up. Most neighborhoods frown on huge leaf piles sitting along the edge of the road.

Related: 5 Reasons to Include Fall Cleanup in Your Lawn Care in Pepper Pike, OH

Tree Pruning: Fall is the ideal time to prune trees that have splintered branches and holes where branches have died and fallen off. It is a great time to inspect your trees for any disease or pests that can cause damage. When the trees have few leaves, it is an excellent time to assess the shape of your trees to see if pruning for improved shape might be a good idea. 

Removing Dead Shrubs: The hot and sometimes dry summer weather can cause bushes to die, and fall is an ideal time to dig those up and replace them with new ones that have time to take root before the colder weather arrives. This is also the time to assess your landscape beds for better structure and appearance for the spring, as it can be hard to see if some shrubs or plants need to be removed for a better springtime look.

Mulch: Fresh mulch can make your fall landscape look so much better as gets barer in appearance. Raking the old mulch and replacing it with fresh mulch can make your landscape beds look clean and fresh, even when the leaves are gone. 

Mowing: Giving your lawn a final mowing at a little lower setting can allow the final rays of light and extra oxygen to reach those roots before winter. Strong roots are the basis for a healthy and lush return of springtime grass. 

Fertilizing: A final application of fertilizer can give your grass the nutrients it needs to remain healthy over the winter season. Because your grass cannot produce its own food in the winter months, it needs the nutrients from fertilizer to store for food until the weather warms once more. 

Related: How Professional Lawn Mowing and Care Can Set a Bainbridge, OH Lawn Up For Success All Year Round

Lawn Aeration: While lawn aeration tends to be associated with planting new grass, it can also be very beneficial to your existing grass. The small holes allow the water and oxygen to reach the grass roots well, so they can weather the dormant season. If you spread grass seed in the fall, the aeration provides holes for the seed to germinate and grow roots before winter. 

If the thought of continued lawn care and fall preparation has you feeling tired already, consider having your local Novelty, OH, landscape company help you with these chores. They have the tools, expertise and teams ready to accomplish all the items on your fall clean-up list. 

When winter rolls around and the snow and ice arrive, they can help you with snow removal as well. Whether you need them for a one time job or on a recurring basis, they are ready to take all of the fall landscape jobs off your list.